Substance information
"Potassium..." refers to a potassium salt. The name component "cocoyl" means that the ingredient contains, as fatty acid components, amongst others, fatty acids from coconut oil (cocos nucifera oil) (mostly introduced via an acylation reaction). "Hydrolyzed" means: hydrolysed or a hydrolysate (product of the separation of a chemical compound by reaction with water, often by means of enzymes). Ingredient on the basis of collagen or hydrolysed collagen.
Function(s) of this ingredient in cosmetic products
Leaves the hair easy to comb, supple, soft and shiny and / or imparts volume
Maintains the skin in good condition
Surface-active agent to clean skin, hair and / or teeth
animal/synthetic/plant (Information may exclusively reflect the status at initial entry of this ingredient into the relevant INCI dictionary; technological progress may have added new manufacturing options based on substances of different origin)
Background information on use in cosmetics
Collagen (INCI name component: collagen) is a very important protein molecule in the human body and a main component of the skin. It takes over the function of supporting the connective tissue of the skin like a scaffold, whereby the skin remains elastic and supple. In the young skin, old collagen fibres are permanently replaced by new ones, so that the skin has a smooth and fresh appearance. With advancing age, this process is slowing down and the existing collagen loses increasingly in elasticity, hardens and becomes cracked – the scaffold becomes unstable and there can be wrinkles. To counter this process, anti-ageing products use special active ingredient combinations which have caring, moisturising and skin renewing properties. Collagen has proven to be a good hydroscopic agent and moisturiser in these active ingredient complexes. Because of its water-binding properties, the active ingredient is increasingly also used in products such as lipsticks. To promote and accelerate the natural regeneration process of the skin, collagen fragments are, moreover, used in the form of so-called polycollagen peptides in care products. These imitate the naturally occurring collagen fragments and hence support the repair process of the skin. The result of this care is a rapid mitigation of lines and wrinkles; the complexion and elasticity of the skin are significantly improved. Surfactants are so-called detergent substances and have a major significance in cosmetics for the cleansing of the skin and hair. Surfactants are substances which, based on their molecular structure, are able to reduce the surface tension of a liquid. In this way it is possible that two actually not mixable substances, such as oil and water, can be finely mixed. Because of their properties, surfactants have manifold uses in cosmetics: they can cleanse, produce foam and act as emulsifiers and mix substances with one another. In shampoos, shower gels and soaps, surfactants are, for instance, used to wash fat and soil particles with water off from the body. Surfactants are also used in toothpaste. Here they promote during tooth cleaning the rapid and full dissolution and distribution of the paste in the mouth. The surfactants used in cosmetic products are primarily produced synthetically on the basis of vegetable raw materials. Surfactants are often used in combination to equally meet all desired requirements – like dissolution of soil and formation of foam in combination with a good skin tolerance – in the best possible manner. Through a skilled combination of a surfactant – viewed on its own – with unfavourable skin tolerance but a very good soil removal property with a very mild, skin protecting surfactant altogether a product with good cleansing properties and the same good skin tolerances is obtained.
Belongs to the following substance groups
Regulating cosmetics
Cosmetics Ingredients are subject to regulation. Please note, different regulations may apply to cosmetic ingredients outside the EU.