Name / description
Retinyl Propionate; Vitamin A1 Propionate
Function(s) of this ingredient in cosmetic products
Maintains the skin in good condition
Occurrence in cosmetics
Day creams, night creams, face sera, hand creams, body lotions, after-sun products, eyecare products
Background information on use in cosmetics
Retinol also known as Vitamin A1 or axerophthol is a fat-soluble, essential vitamin. Retinol is sensitive to light, air and oxidants and serves the organism as a radical scavenger. Because of the sensitivity of retinol to acids and oxidants, cosmetics use mostly the more stable retinol esters (eg retinyl acetate, retinyl linoleate and retinyl palmitate) or the aldehyde form (retinal). Retinol occurs naturally in fish, butter, yolk and dairy products, amongst others. Retinol derivatives are mainly used in cosmetics against dry, scaly skin but also blemished skin and in the event of skin stressed by light. They play an important role, more particularly as anti-ageing active ingredient. Retinol is relevant for skin formation and contributes to the smoothing of wrinkles caused by the environment. It increases the skin elasticity and ensures, for instance, that loose callous material is more rapidly shed off and the cell renewal of the skin surface is gaining momentum. Moreover, retinol inhibits the degradation of collagen and promotes its new formation; this is the reason why the active ingredient also meets the special demands of mature skin. As a result of a lack of Vitamin A, the skin can become flaky and dry and can lead, as a consequence, to increased wrinkle formation. Retinol is only used in low concentrations in cosmetics. It is important to take up the vitamin also with the daily diet.
Links to scientific assessments
Opinion of the SCCS (2016) on the safety as cosmetic ingredient
Opinion of the SCCS (2021) on the safety as cosmetic ingredient (revision)
Belongs to the following substance groups
Regulating cosmetics
Cosmetics Ingredients are subject to regulation. Please note, different regulations may apply to cosmetic ingredients outside the EU.