Name / description
Abieta-7,13-dien-18-oic Acid; Sylvic Acid
Function(s) of this ingredient in cosmetic products
Allows the formation of finely dispersed mixtures of oil and water (emulsions)
Occurrence in cosmetics
Various cosmetics
Occurrence in other products
Medicinal products and medical devices for external application (more particularly dental ones such as dental cement and fluoride varnish), glues, stationery, polishes, waxes
Background information on use in cosmetics
Emulsifiers are often used in cosmetics as excipients. They allow actually unmixable components like oil and water to be brought in a permanently stable emulsion. In this way both aqueous and oily care and active ingredients can be used in one and the same product in cosmetics. Emulsifiers are able to do that since their molecules consist of a lipophilic and a hydrophilic part. In this way they can reduce the interfacial tension which actually exists between two incompatible substances like fat and water. Emulsifiers are, more particularly, used for creams, lotions and cleansing agents. At present emulsifiers are, however, more than only excipients which keep an emulsion stable. Fatty acid esters on the basis of sugar, lecithin or glycerin monodistearate contribute, for instance, to improving the moisture balance of the skin and are, therefore, also considered as cosmetic active ingredients.
Further information
For the clarification of a suspicion of a contact allergy this substance can be routinely tested in the epicutaneous test at the dermatologist.
Belongs to the following substance groups
Regulating cosmetics
Cosmetics Ingredients are subject to regulation. Please note, different regulations may apply to cosmetic ingredients outside the EU.