Name / description
Silica, Silicon Dioxide
Function(s) of this ingredient in cosmetic products
Removes dental plaque or dirt from the skin surface through a grinding / polishing effect
Takes up finely dispersed substances
Prevents powdered products from caking / sticking together
Reduces the density of cosmetic products by swelling
Functional ingredient (excipient) of perfume oils and / or flavours
Reduces transparency and translucency by clouding the product
Increases or decreases the viscosity of cosmetic products
Occurrence in cosmetics
In various products (eg toothpaste, decorative cosmetics, makeup, powder, hair colourations, hairstyling products) as abrasive (abrasion agent), filler, anti-caking agent, drying agent, thickener etc
Occurrence in other products
Both natural silica (quartz sand) and synthetically produced (pyrogenic) silicon dioxide (also referred to as synthetically amorphous silica) has a widespread use in many industrial areas: in the building sector, in ceramics and glass production, in the plastics and rubber industry (eg in car tyres), in the semiconductor technology as well as in medicinal products and foodstuffs
Background information on use in cosmetics
Silica (silicon dioxide, quartz, quartz sand) is an inorganic (mineral) solid and is mainly widespread in nature in the form of sand. Silica is the main component of the earth’s crust and both chemically and thermally very stable (inert). In cosmetics it is primarily to be found in synthetically produced (amorphous, ie non-crystalline) silica. Silica (silicon dioxide) can absorb up to 40 % moisture. It is used as an adsorption agent for liquids, as a builder for the production of gels and for the stabilisation of suspensions and emulsions. In powders it increases the throwing power, adherence and absorbing capacity.
Further information
Concerning nano-scale silicon dioxide, see INCI name SILICA (NANO)
Belongs to the following substance groups
Regulating cosmetics
Cosmetics Ingredients are subject to regulation. Please note, different regulations may apply to cosmetic ingredients outside the EU.