Substance information
The name component "benzoyl" means that the ingredient contains, as acid component, benzoic acid (mostly introduced via an acylation reaction). Peroxides are substances with a mostly oxidising effect which contain a peroxide anion (in the event of inorganic peroxides) or a peroxy group -O-O- (for organic peroxides). Oxides are compounds generally obtained by conversion with oxygen or other oxidants.
Function(s) of this ingredient in cosmetic products
Changes the chemical nature of another substance by adding oxygen or removing hydrogen
Information on safe use
This substance is expressly approved and / or subject to a restriction as a result of an entry in Annex III of the EC Cosmetics Regulation after an assessment by the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety of the EU Commission (SCCS). Restrictions can relate eg to purity criteria, a maximum concentration or the restriction to certain product categories. Subject to the conditions possibly imposed in Annex III, the use of this substance in cosmetic products is safe.
Further information
For the clarification of a suspicion of a contact allergy this substance can be routinely tested in the epicutaneous test at the dermatologist.
Belongs to the following substance groups
Regulating cosmetics
Cosmetics Ingredients are subject to regulation. Please note, different regulations may apply to cosmetic ingredients outside the EU.