Name / description
alpha-Tocopherol; 3,4-Dihydro-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-(4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl)-2H-benzopyran-6-ol; Vitamin E
Function(s) of this ingredient in cosmetic products
Inhibits reactions promoted by oxygen, thus avoiding oxidation and deterioration of ingredients
Functional ingredient (excipient) of perfume oils and / or flavours
Maintains the skin in good condition
Occurrence in cosmetics
Skincare creams, sunscreens
Occurrence in other products
In high-quality plant oils (eg wheatgerm oil, sunflower oil, linseed oil, olive oil), cereal germs, yolk, nuts, wholemeal products, dairy products, butter and margarine
Background information on use in cosmetics
Vitamin E (INCI: TOCOPHEROL) is part of the fat-soluble vitamins. It develops a cell protection and also supports the regeneration of the skin. With its lipophilic properties it protects, more particularly, the cell membranes and the cells of the skin against so-called free radicals. Moreover, Vitamin E helps at the improvement of the surface structure and the increase in the moisture-retaining capacity of the skin. In the epidermis the Vitamin E is the most important antioxidant for cell protection. It intercepts aggressive compounds which are caused by UV radiation in the skin and hence prevents a premature skin ageing. In this way it protects the cell membranes, lipoproteins and the depot fat against oxidation.
Belongs to the following substance groups
Regulating cosmetics
Cosmetics Ingredients are subject to regulation. Please note, different regulations may apply to cosmetic ingredients outside the EU.