Name / description
Titanium Dioxide (Nano)
Function(s) of this ingredient in cosmetic products
Functional ingredient (excipient) of perfume oils and / or flavours
Protects the cosmetic product from damage caused by UV light
Protects skin or hair from harmful UV radiation
Occurrence in cosmetics
Above all as UV filter pigment in sunscreens as well as in various skincare products with UV protection, eg day creams
Occurrence in other products
Titanium dioxide (non-nano-scale) is widely used as a white pigment, eg in paints, coatings and plastics
Background information on use in cosmetics
Titanium dioxide is a white inorganic (mineral) solid. In nature, titanium dioxide is widespread in the form of the minerals rutile and ilmenite. Titanium dioxide is chemically and thermally very stable (inert) and insoluble. Titanium dioxide is often coated with other substances (eg aluminium or silicone compounds) in cosmetics. This supports the improvement of the dispersibility (mixability) in the cosmetic formulations, the optimisation of the UV light absorption as well as the reduction of the photo catalytic properties. Titanium dioxide is a mineral UV-BB filter (broadband filter) which protects the skin both against UV-B and UV-A radiation and can absorb UV radiation from 280 to 400 nm. The maximum concentration is 25 % in this connection. Nano titanium dioxide places itself as a protecting film on the upper skin layer and scatters and absorbs the UV radiation of the sun. In this way the skin is protected against the UV radiation and its harmful consequences (sunburn, DNA damage, skin ageing etc). Through the combination with other filtering substances (soluble organic UV filters) particularly good light protection effects can be obtained. Nano-scale titanium dioxide in sunscreens is invisible for the human eye, does not leave any white film on the skin which motivates the consumer to have a more generous application. Nano-scale titanium dioxide has significantly better UV filter properties than the white pigment. Nano titanium dioxide is marked, moreover, by an optimum skin tolerance. UV filters minimise the undesired effects of UV radiation on the skin and are, therefore, an important component of sunscreens. By protecting the skin against the dangerous sun radiation, they contribute towards preventing premature light-caused skin ageing and skin cancer. In this connection a distinction is made between soluble organic UV filters and those based on mineral and / or organic pigments. Whereas soluble organic UV filters absorb the UV radiation, transform it into heat and form an invisible protection shield in the upper skin layer, UV filters on the basis of pigments reflect, scatter and absorb the sun radiation already on the skin surface.
Information on safe use
In accordance with the EU Cosmetics Regulation [Regulation (EC) No. 1223/2009], which applies to the entire EU market, UV filters are defined as substances which are exclusively or mainly intended to protect the skin against certain UV radiation by absorbing, reflecting or scattering UV radiation. Annex VI of the Regulation defines the substances which may be used in cosmetic products as UV filters. In this so-called positive list of the UV filters maximum concentrations are prescribed for the use of these substances in cosmetic products and, if necessary, additional conditions for use are defined. Prior to their approval in Annex VI, UV filters are examined selectively for their toxicological safety and subjected to comprehensive tests. The manufacturers must prove the health safety in extensive scientific studies. Moreover, the approved filters are re-assessed, if necessary on the basis of new scientific findings and in the event of possible conspicuous findings in market observation and the list is updated accordingly.
Links to scientific assessments
Opinion of the SCCS (2013) on the safety as cosmetic ingredient (especially on the nano-scale form)
Supplementary opinion of the SCCS (2018) on further coating materials
Earlier opinion of the SCCNFP (2000)
Opinion of the SCCS (2020) on the safety as cosmetic ingredient with regard to inhalation
Why are we talking about it?
Titanium dioxide in nanoparticle form (nano) is suspected of being carcinogenic by the respiratory (inhalation) and oral routes (4). The facts: Titanium dioxide in nanoparticulate form is permitted when used as a sunscreen (UV filter) substance in cosmetic products. It provides effective sun protection without leaving any white mark on the skin when applied. Titanium dioxide used as a UV filter is safe, in partucular because the skin penetration of nano titanium dioxide is very limited (particles remain in the superficial layers of the skin and do not penetrate) (1). Several expert committees (European, Danish (2)) have thus confirmed the safety of using nano titanium dioxide as a sunscreen active in cosmetic products. On the other hand, however, the nano form is not permitted for use in cosmetic products that could be inhaled (sprays, loose powders). Indeed, studies have shown a carcinogenic potential of titanium dioxide by the respiratory route, i.e. when inhaled (3). Key points to take away: The use of titanium dioxide in nano form as a UV filter in sunscreen products applied onto the skin is recognised as safe at the authorised concentrations. Sources: (1) French National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM/ ex-AFSSAPS): “Etat des connaissances relatif aux nanoparticules de dioxyde titane et d'oxyde de zinc dans les produits cosmétiques en termes de pénétration cutanée, de génotoxicité et de cancérogenèse” / State of knowledge on titanium dioxide and zinc oxide nanoparticles in cosmetic products in terms of skin penetration, genotoxicity and carcinogenesis (2011): (2) Danish Environment Protection Agency (EPA): Occurrence and effects of nanosized anatase titanium dioxide in consumer products Environmental Project N°1603 (2014): (3) Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC) Opinion (2017): (4) EFSA: EFSA Journal 2021;19(5):6585
Belongs to the following substance groups
Regulating cosmetics
Cosmetics Ingredients are subject to regulation. Please note, different regulations may apply to cosmetic ingredients outside the EU.