Name / description
Citric Acid; 2-Hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic Acid
Function(s) of this ingredient in cosmetic products
Controls the pH of cosmetic products
Binds metal ions which could negatively affect the stability and / or appearance of cosmetics
Functional ingredient (excipient) of perfume oils and / or flavours
Occurrence in cosmetics
Emulsions, eg skincare lotions or creams
Occurrence in other products
In foodstuffs, food supplements, as water softener / deliming agent and alternative conditioner
Background information on use in cosmetics
Citric acid has a mild astringent and bleaching effect. It is also used as acid component for the pH value adjustment of cosmetics, eg in skincare lotions or creams. Fruit acids (INCI: eg CITRIC ACID or OXALIC ACID) become increasingly popular in cosmetic products and application. They make skin flakes and rough areas disappear, the skin becomes smoother and fine lines and wrinkles are reduced. In higher concentrations fruit acids dissolve the bonds of the increasingly accumulated dead skin cells of the stratus corneum and hence support their shedding. The natural new cell formation is indirectly promoted and supported and the elasticity of the skin is improved. In the event of oily skin fruit acids prevent the formation of spots and skin impurities. In this way the skin texture is altogether refined, the skin appears clearer and fresher. Fruit acids are added in low concentrations to some creams. They are for instance obtained from lemons, grapes or apples or synthetically produced. The use of fruit acids should be precisely adapted to the skin texture. The sensitive skin can, for instance, have an irritant reaction and not every skin tolerates an excessively frequent application of highly concentrated products. This is why the products available on the market today are particularly carefully selected in terms of concentration of the active ingredients and / or the adjustment of the pH value. After the application of higher concentrated fruit acid products, sun protection is important. A corresponding reference is to be found on the products.
Belongs to the following substance groups
Regulating cosmetics
Cosmetics Ingredients are subject to regulation. Please note, different regulations may apply to cosmetic ingredients outside the EU.