Substance information
"Acrylate" or "acrylates" are polymers or copolymers based on acrylic acid and / or other alkyl acrylates (acrylic acid esters). "Amino" mostly refers to an nitrogen hydrogen grouping (NH2-). "Alkyl" describes a mixture of alkanols. Alkanols are alcohols which are derived from saturated hydrocarbons. The preceding numbers "C x-y" specify the range of the alkyl (hydrocarbon) chain lengths. "PEG" refers to a PEG-(polyethylene glycol-) derivative. The number behind "PEG-" (or the first number behind "PEG/...-") refers to the average number of molecular units -CH2-CH2-O-. Polymer or copolymer based on esters of the itaconic acid (methylene succinic acid) and possibly other monomers. "Copolymer" refers to a polymer composed of several different (mostly two) basic units (monomers).
Function(s) of this ingredient in cosmetic products
Supports emulsion formation and improves product stability
synthetic synthetic
Background information on use in cosmetics
Solid PEG serve as consistency enhancers in lipsticks and creams as well as humectants. They are well tolerated by the skin and are not microbiologically sensitive, so that in general it is not necessary to add any preservatives. Polyethylene glycols (INCI: PEG-...) are poly condensation products of ethylene glycol, or polymerisation products of ethylene oxide. The number added to the name refers to the mean number of ethylene oxide units in the substance. The consistency of the PEG derivatives is increasingly solid with a growing degree of polymerisation. PEGs with a mean molar mass of up to 600 g/mol are liquid, up to 1,000 g/mol wax-like and from 4,000 g/mol solid wax-like substances. By mixing solid and liquid components, products of a creamy consistency are obtained which are used as water-free and water rinse-off bases. With growing molar mass water solubility and hygroscopicity (ability to absorb moisture) of the polyethylene glycols decrease. Polyethylene glycols and their derivates are preferentially used in cosmetic products since they have a broad spectrum of viscosity and solubility properties and have a very good skin tolerance. As water soluble, non-greasy substances polyethylene glycols are suitable for many cosmetic purposes. The liquid PEGs serve, eg, as glycerol substitute in facial, shaving and hair lotions, as solubilisers and solvents.
Information on safe use
Claudia Fruijtier-Pölloth: Safety assessment on polyethylene glycols (PEGs) and their derivatives as used in cosmetic products. In: "Toxicology" (2005), No. 214, P. 1-38. Publisher: Elsevier Ireland Ltd.
Belongs to the following substance groups
Regulating cosmetics
Cosmetics Ingredients are subject to regulation. Please note, different regulations may apply to cosmetic ingredients outside the EU.