Substance information
"Methyl" mostly refers to methanol (methyl alcohol) as alcoholic component or generally the methyl group as the smallest hydrocarbon residue with one carbon atom. Dimethyl-, trimethyl- etc refer to two, three or more methyl groups. Amides are generally conversion products of carbonic acids (carboxylic acids, mostly fatty acids) or other acids with nitrogen compounds (ammonia or alkyl and alkanol amines, amino acids etc). Examples: "stearamides" are amides of the stearic acid, "cocamides" are amides of coconut fatty acids.
Function(s) of this ingredient in cosmetic products
Supports emulsion formation and improves product stability
Dissolves other substances
(Information may exclusively reflect the status at initial entry of this ingredient into the relevant INCI dictionary; technological progress may have added new manufacturing options based on substances of different origin)
Information on safe use
This substance is expressly approved and / or subject to a restriction as a result of an entry in Annex III of the EC Cosmetics Regulation after an assessment by the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety of the EU Commission (SCCS). Restrictions can relate eg to purity criteria, a maximum concentration or the restriction to certain product categories. Subject to the conditions possibly imposed in Annex III, the use of this substance in cosmetic products is safe.
Belongs to the following substance groups
Regulating cosmetics
Cosmetics Ingredients are subject to regulation. Please note, different regulations may apply to cosmetic ingredients outside the EU.