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You have searched by name and 63 ingredients have been found.
Corrected botanical name: ANIBA ROSODORA; Pau-rosa; Brazilian Rosewood
Corrected botanical name: ANIBA ROSODORA; Pau-rosa; Brazilian Rosewood
Corrected botanical name: ANIBA ROSODORA; Pau-rosa; Brazilian Rosewood
Corrected botanical name: ANIBA ROSODORA; Pau-rosa; Brazilian Rosewood
Corrected botanical name: ANIBA ROSODORA; Pau-rosa; Brazilian Rosewood
Corrected botanical name: ANOGEISSUS LEIOCARPA
Corrected botanical name: ANNONA MURICATA
Corrected botanical name: ANNONA RETICULATA
Corrected botanical name: ARCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA-URSI; Bearberry
Corrected botanical name: ARCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA-URSI; Bearberry
Corrected botanical name: ZIZIPHUS JUJUBA
Corrected botanical name: CARYA ILLINOINENSIS
Corrected botanical name: CARYA ILLINOINENSIS
Corrected botanical name: CARYA ILLINOINENSIS
Corrected botanical name: CARYA ILLINOINENSIS
Corrected botanical name: CHONDRACANTHUS TEEDI
Feverfew; Botanic name: Tanacetum parthenium
Feverfew; Botanic name: Tanacetum parthenium
Feverfew; Botanic name: Tanacetum parthenium
Feverfew; Botanic name: Tanacetum parthenium
Feverfew; Botanic name: Tanacetum parthenium
Chinese Cimicifuga, Dahurian Bugbane; Licorice; Russian Licorice; Spanish Licorice; Turkish Licorice; Chinese Peony; Common Garden Peony; White Peony; Corrected botanical name: PLATYCODON GRANDIFLORUS; Kudzu; Kudsu
Cyclomethicone: Earlier name for a mixture of Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4), Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5) and Dodecamethylcyclohexasiloxane (D6)
Corrected botanical name: DIOSCOREA OPPOSITIFOLA
Corrected botanical name: DIOSCOREA OPPOSITIFOLA
Corrected botanical name: HYPOCHAERIS RADICATA
Corrected botanical name: HYPOCHAERIS RADICATA
Corrected botanical name: ZIZIPHUS JUJUBA
Corrected botanical name: ZIZIPHUS JUJUBA
Marsh Parsley; Corrected botanical name: ZIZIPHUS JUJUBA
Corrected botanical name: ZIZIPHUS JUJUBA
Corrected botanical name: LIPPIA CITRODORA; Lemon Verbena
Corrected botanical name: LIPPIA CITRODORA; Lemon Verbena
Corrected botanical name: LIPPIA CITRODORA; Lemon Verbena
Corrected botanical name: LIPPIA CITRODORA; Lemon Verbena
Corrected botanical name: LIPPIA CITRODORA; Lemon Verbena
Corrected botanical name: LIPPIA CITRODORA; Lemon Verbena
Corrected botanical name: LIPPIA CITRODORA; Lemon Verbena
Corrected botanical name: NARCISSUS PSEUDONARCISSUS
Corrected botanical name: NARCISSUS PSEUDONARCISSUS
Corrected botanical name: NARCISSUS PSEUDONARCISSUS
Corrected botanical name: NYMPHAEA CAERULEA
Corrected botanical name: NYMPHAEA CAERULEA
Corrected botanical name: NYMPHAEA CAERULEA
Corrected botanical name: NYMPHAEA CAERULEA
Correct botanical name: PINUS NIGRA LARICIO; Austrian Pine; Black Pine
Correct botanical name: PINUS NIGRA LARICIO; Austrian Pine; Black Pine
Mountain Pine; Shrubby Swiss Pine; correct botanical name: PINUS MUGO PUMILIO
Mountain Pine; Shrubby Swiss Pine; correct botanical name: PINUS MUGO PUMILIO
Mountain Pine; Shrubby Swiss Pine; correct botanical name: PINUS MUGO PUMILIO
Corrected botanical name: PINUS TABULIFORMIS
Corrected botanical name: PLATYCODON GRANDIFLORUS
Vietnamese Coriander
Vietnamese Coriander
Corrected botanical name: SCHINUS TEREBINTHIFOLIA
Corrected botanical name: SCHISANDRA NIGRA
Corrected botanical name: SCHISANDRA SPHENANTHERA (common name: magnolia vine)
Corrected botanical name: THYMUS SERPYLLUM
Ucahuba Nut; White Ucuba
Ucahuba Nut; White Ucuba
Corrected botanical name: VITEX AGNUS-CASTUS
Corrected botanical name: VITEX AGNUS-CASTUS
Corrected botanical name: VITEX AGNUS-CASTUS