Name / description
Lanolin Wax; Wool Wax (de-oiled)
Function(s) of this ingredient in cosmetic products
Ensures the cohesion of powdered products
Leaves the hair easy to comb, supple, soft and shiny and / or imparts volume
Softens and smoothens the skin
Increases or decreases the viscosity of cosmetic products
animal (Information may exclusively reflect the status at initial entry of this ingredient into the relevant INCI dictionary; technological progress may have added new manufacturing options based on substances of different origin)
Occurrence in cosmetics
Pastes, ointments, creams, lotions, soaps
Background information on use in cosmetics
Lanolin is obtained from the wool of sheep. Lanolin covers the individual hairs with a wax-like layer to protect the skin of the animals against undesired weather influences. Lanolin, also referred to as wool wax (INCI: LANOLIN), is frequently used because of its protecting and caring properties in cosmetic products for the care of dry and rough skin. Hairs are more easily combable and become smooth through lanolin. The skin-related oil can be found in many hand creams as a cream basis to render the skin smooth and supple. In soaps it serves as re-fattening agent and skin protectant which counters the degreasing properties of soap. And in lipsticks lanolin has a caring effect and provides the lipstick with good adhesion. As an active ingredient in hairstyle products, lanolin provides the hair with shine and has an anti-static effect.
Further information
For the clarification of a suspicion of a contact allergy this substance can be routinely tested in the epicutaneous test at the dermatologist.
Belongs to the following substance groups
Regulating cosmetics
Cosmetics Ingredients are subject to regulation. Please note, different regulations may apply to cosmetic ingredients outside the EU.