COSMILE Europe is a European cosmetic ingredient database that helps people easily find reliable, verified and scientifically supported information on almost 30,000 ingredients. It includes information on the ingredients’ properties, their function, whether they are man-made and/or of natural origin and in which types of products they can be found.
The ingredient information in the database can be searched by common ingredient names or/INCI names, or by group of substances or product type.
What are INCI names?
International Nomenclature Cosmetic Ingredient or INCI names are official ingredient names that are standardised across the European Union and most countries worldwide. European law requires cosmetics and personal care products to have an ingredient list, also called INCI list, on the label or on the packaging of the product.

How to use the search tool?
- Enter the common ingredient name, or the INCI name as it is written on the label or packaging of the product, for example AQUA
- A drop-down menu will appear with all results containing the term. The most similar matches will appear first. Click on the result that best matches the term you are looking for
- You will find information on the ingredient’s properties, function, whether they are man-made and/or of natural origin and in which types of products it is likely to be found
- To learn more, you can search for more technical information in the substance and product type menus
(INCI: International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients)
Enter the common ingredient name in English or the INCI name (the first three letters are sufficient)
Select any care area to find information on product types and the substance groups they contain
Select any substance groups to find ingredient function information